Basic Attack - Lead-Hand Horizontal Elbow (Sok Tat / Sok Ti)
Highlighting some principles of throwing the lead-side horizontal elbow (sok tat/tad) or elbow slash (sok ti/thi) the correct way — this is one of the core basic attacks of Muay Thai, the elbows being two of the "eight limbs" (hands, elbows, knees, shins/feet) that Thai boxing utilizes.
Horizontal elbows are designed to slice across an opponent's face and cause cuts and possibly knockouts. Elbow strikes which land flush on an opponent's head are not only good point-scoring techniques in sport Muay Thai, but are highly dangerous. For those training in Muay Thai for self-defense, elbows are an extremely valuable technique to apply — they’re lethal if done properly, and the risk to throw them is low if the person from whom you’re defending yourself is close to you already.