Basic Combo - Jab-Cross-Lead Hand Uppercut-Cross
Now we integrate the lead-hand uppercut into a combination. This combo disguises our uppercut by putting straight punches before and after, giving it a good chance to slip through unexpectedly.
Lead-Hand Uppercut
You’ll execute this combo in one of two ways —
Stay long — throw your straight punches at full length and scoop your lead-hand uppercut out under your opponent’s chin. Generate the power upward on your uppercut from your legs, hips, and finally shoulders — don’t drop your hand and try to generate the power from your arm. If you make this mistake, you’ll create an easy opening for your opponent to pop out a straight punch or hook, and if you’re both orthodox, this straight punch will be their power hand.
If you execute the punch combo this way, it’s nice to tag the end of it with a roundhouse kick. This can be either your power side leg or a switch kick; for today’s video we went with power side.
Close distance — Make your jab long, then push off of your rear foot as you cross to slide in a bit. This will make you closer to your opponent, both making your uppercut shorter range so your shoulder is right behind it and also making any opening created by dropping your front hand to pass faster (i.e., we can pop this short uppercut out quick).
If you go this route, we can instead tag the end of the combo with a straight knee. Again, this can be either knee; today we went the power side (rear) knee.